Bryan College of Health Sciences Focus Program

at Northwest High School

A collaboration with Bryan College of Health Sciences to offer dual-credit courses and a gateway into a variety of medical fields.

Bryan College of Health Sciences Focus Program at Northwest High SChool

The Medical Sciences Focus Program, in partnership with Bryan College of Health Sciences, provides juniors and seniors at Lincoln Northwest with a unique and affordable pathway toward their future. Offering over 13 college credits and diverse learning opportunities, our program cultivates essential skills for success in healthcare and beyond, inspiring all students to excel in their chosen path.


Although there are no required prerequisite courses, interested students are encouraged to enroll in honors-level science courses in grades 9 and 10.


  • A total of 13 early college credits from Bryan College of Health Sciences taken at Northwest during the regular school day.
  • Courses billed at the Falcon Rate with significantly discounted tuition ($150.00/credit hour). Additional tuition assistance is also available through the ACE Scholarship program and the Bryan Foundation.
  • Hands-on immersive opportunities with real health professionals in the community.
  • Opportunity to take two additional online courses at the Falcon Tuition Rate, following successful completion of Year 1 courses.

Program Faculty

  • Katherine Karcher, Focus Program Director
    • Intro to Health Professions, Senior Capstone
  • Dr. Cindy Larson-Miller, Lincoln Northwest Science Teacher
    • Ethics in Healthcare, Anatomy and Physiology
  • BNA Instructors from Bryan College of Health Sciences

Who can attend?

  • Current Northwest students
  • Junior or senior
  • Cumulative weighted GPA of 2.75
  • Eligible students should submit an application in the fall of their sophomore or junior year.

Course Sequence

Year 1

  • Introduction to Health Professions (1 credit)
  • Ethics in Healthcare (3 credits)
  • Medical Terminology (1 credit)
  • Basic Nursing Assistant (non-credit certification course)

Year 2

  • Anatomy and Physiology I with Capstone I (4 credits)
  • Anatomy and Physiology II with Capstone II (4 credits)